"Starke Stücke" 2025 from March 6 to 17, 2025
The ‘Starke Stücke’ festival will take place again in 2025. It will feature 19 outstanding productions from eleven countries. We are delighted to welcome artists from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia and Spain. A wide-ranging programme from narrative and object theatre, acrobatics and dance to installations, multimedia performances, a live animated film and an audio tour awaits you at a total of 37 venues all over the region.
Make a note of the date in your diary! Come along with your school class and book a workshop! There will also be creative activities and offers for families.
We will of course keep you up to date, here via the newsletter, via Facebook and via Instagram. Check it out and stay in touch so you don't miss any updates.
Opening Ceremony "Starke Stücke" 2025
Theater Altes Hallenbad, Friedberg
As part of the opening, we will be showing the play Ceci n'est pas un exercise (This Is Not a Drill) and look forward to raising a glass with you.
For invited guests only.
The festival café is open to everyone and offers snacks, coffee, music and more.
Also today at 10am and 7pm: High (13+) - Theaterhaus Ensemble
Info and tickets via this link
The festival café is open to everyone and offers snacks, coffee, music and more.
Also today at 10am and 7pm: High (13+) - Theaterhaus Ensemble
Info and tickets via this link
09:00h - 18:00h
The festival café is open to everyone and offers snacks, coffee, music and more.
13:00h - 17:00h
Family Sunday at the Junge Theaterwerkstatt am Zoo
During the 2024/2025 season the team of "Junge Theaterwerkstatt am Zoo" showcases the full diversity of performing arts for young audiences and keeps the former Fritz Rémond Theater open for young people and families.
09:00h - 13:00h
The festival café is open to everyone and offers snacks, coffee, music and more.
09:00h - 13:00h
The festival café is open to everyone and offers snacks, coffee, music and more.
Award ceremony of the Frankfurt Children's and Youth Theatre Prize „Karfunkel“
Kaisersaal des Frankfurter Römer (nur geladene Gäste)
The City of Frankfurt honours outstanding achievements in theatre for young audiences with the ‘Karfunkel’.
Festival Gathering and German-French Evening at Centralstation, Darmstadt
Right after the performance at 6 pm: Screenagers Vol.2 – Premier Stratagème, Paris (FR)
The festival café is open to everyone and offers snacks, coffee, music and more.
Also today: Shall we together... – Tout petit, Leuven (BE) at 11am
as well as Survival Kid (9+) - Theaterhaus Ensemble at 7pm Info and tickets via this link
Moderated After-Talk on "Offending Adults"
right after Offending the adults (14+) starting 2.30 pm
09:00h - 14:30h
Thinking-Workshop "Starke Stücke Tandems"
It's better to watch theatre in a team than alone. Young artists from the Erasmus+ project ‘exit the room’ meet with regional cultural organisers and go to the theatre together.
The festival café is open to everyone and offers snacks, coffee, music and more.
JourStage - A stage all to yourself. Acting, singing, painting, dancing, ... show us what you can do - in the Junge Theaterwerkstatt am Zoo.
This year, our festival party is taking place at the Theaterhaus Frankfurt.
Information and registration at the festival office.
09:00h - 18:00h
The festival café is open to everyone and offers snacks, coffee, music and more.
10:00h - 16:00h
Denkwerkstatt „Gestures of resistance – Widerstand üben im Theater der Zukunft“
In this think tank, we seek to practice a theatre of resistance together.