Das Lied der Grille - die exen (D) Foto: Kristine Stahl
Das Lied der Grille - die exen (D) Foto: Dirk Stahl
Das Lied der Grille - die exen (D) Foto: Dirk Stahl

The Cricket’s Song

Puppet theatre in a piano for children age 5 and older

When the sun is shining and the meadow covered in flowers, dancing to the happy melodies of the cricket’s violin is so much fun. But shouldn’t the cricket be collecting food instead of celebrating? Winter comes and the cricket’s pantry is empty. A modified piano provides the stage for a story about fiddling and foresight – a piece with puppets, light and shadows.

The exen, an ensemble of freelance puppeteers founded in 2006, produce puppet theatre for children and adults of all ages in different constellations. “The Cricket’s Song” is Annika Pilstl’s first solo piece.

Die exen, Neuhaus Inn (D)

PERFORMANCE: Annika Pilstl
DIRECTOR: Kristine Stahl
PUPPETS: Udo Schneeweiß
MUSIC: Andres Böhmer

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Age 5+ About 50 min

in german language

Dates + Tickets

Eintrittskarten erhalten Sie bei den jeweiligen Veranstalter*innen bei Klick auf den Ticketbutton oder am Telefon.

Fri 03.03. 09:30 h

Fri 03.03. 11:00 h

Fri 03.03. 15:00 h

Sun 05.03. 15:00 h

Theater Moller Haus, Darmstadt

Mon 06.03. 09:00 h

Theater Moller Haus, Darmstadt

Tue 07.03. 09:30 h

Stadthalle Kronberg i. Ts.

Tue 07.03. 11:00 h

Stadthalle Kronberg i. Ts.

Tue 07.03. 16:00 h

Stadthalle Kronberg i. Ts.

Wed 08.03. 10:30 h

Wed 08.03. 14:30 h

Fri 10.03. 16:00 h

Sun 12.03. 16:00 h

JUKUZ Aschaffenburg

Mon 13.03. 10:00 h

JUKUZ Aschaffenburg


The Cricket’s Song



in german language

About 50 min

Eintrittskarten erhalten Sie bei den jeweiligen Veranstalter*innen bei Klick auf den Ticketbutton oder am Telefon.

Fri 03.03.  09:30h + 11:00h + 15:00h

Sun 05.03.  15:00h

Theater Moller Haus, Darmstadt

Mon 06.03.  09:00h

Theater Moller Haus, Darmstadt

Tue 07.03.  09:30h + 11:00h + 16:00h

Stadthalle Kronberg i. Ts.

Wed 08.03.  10:30h + 14:30h

Fri 10.03.  16:00h

Sun 12.03.  16:00h

JUKUZ Aschaffenburg

Mon 13.03.  10:00h

JUKUZ Aschaffenburg

Puppet theatre in a piano for children age 5 and older

When the sun is shining and the meadow covered in flowers, dancing to the happy melodies of the cricket’s violin is so much fun. But shouldn’t the cricket be collecting food instead of celebrating? Winter comes and the cricket’s pantry is empty. A modified piano provides the stage for a story about fiddling and foresight – a piece with puppets, light and shadows.

The exen, an ensemble of freelance puppeteers founded in 2006, produce puppet theatre for children and adults of all ages in different constellations. “The Cricket’s Song” is Annika Pilstl’s first solo piece.

Die exen, Neuhaus Inn (D)

PERFORMANCE: Annika Pilstl
DIRECTOR: Kristine Stahl
PUPPETS: Udo Schneeweiß
MUSIC: Andres Böhmer