Title: This is not a Drill (5+) –  Collectif PourquoiPas (FR), Foto: Edouard Barra
Lucht – Air (6+) – Laika, Antwerp (BE), Fotos: Kathleen Michiels
Screenagers Vol.2 (12+) – Premier Stratagème, Paris (FR), Fotos: Simon Gosselin
Eröffnungsfeier "Starke Stücke" 2024 in Dreieich; Foto: Katrin Schander
Zullen we samen… – SHall we together… (3+) – Tout Petit, Leuven (BE), Fotos: Laure-Ann Iserief
Eröffnungsfeier "Starke Stücke" 2024 in Dreieich; Foto: Katrin Schander
The cat couldn’t care less (9+) – Junges Theater Münster, Münster (DE), Fotos: Sinje Hasheider
Otherwise Chocolate (6+) – Adeline Rüss, Stuttgart (DE), Fotos: Luka Jakel
Projektwoche zu 'Glashaus' mit der Hostatoschule; Foto: Katrin Schander
Jubiläumsfeier "Starke Stücke" 2024 in Dreieich; Foto: Katrin Schander
Somewhere Else (7+) – Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, Ljubljana (SI), Fotos: Jaka Varmuž
Lavaskogen – The Lava Fores (6+) – Ingri Fiksdal, Oslo (NO), Fotos: Simen Thornquist


A concept of trust for ‘Starke Stücke’

Everyone should feel welcome at the ‘Starke Stücke’ festival. That's why we want to treat each other with particular care and respect.

What we know / What we assume:
We want everyone to be friendly to each other and for everyone to have a good time. That's why we want to look out for each other and make sure that everyone is fine.
We don't want anyone to be mean or unfair to another person, for example because of their skin colour, gender, religion or nationality or because the person is not so good at doing something that others can, maybe, do easily.
We want all people to accept and respect each other for who they are.

We know that we are all different. That's why we have a few rules so that we all feel comfortable:

  • We want to respect the boundaries of others. A boundary is when someone says ‘no’ or when someone feels uncomfortable.
  • Sometimes it can be difficult for us to say ‘no’. That's why it's helpful to ask when in doubt. Especially if we want to talk to or touch a person and also if we take a photo or video of another person. The person's answer must be accepted.
  • Only ‘yes’ means ‘yes’.
  • If a person needs peace and quiet, they can withdraw at any time.

We don't want anyone to have a bad experience at our festival. If that happens, we can do something about it (talk, apologise, get help).

We - the Starke Stücke team and the organisers on site (people at the entrance, the cloakroom or the foyer, workshop leaders) - are there for everyone. You can contact us if...
... you are overwhelmed by a situation.
... a ‘no’ from you was not accepted.
... you have experienced abusive and/or discriminatory behaviour yourself.
... you have seen that someone has not been good to someone else or you have observed abusive and/or discriminatory behaviour in someone else.
... you need another person or a place to talk to.
... you need emotional support.
... everything is getting too much for you and you need peace and quiet.
... you're not sure how to behave.

We are open to discussions and questions and will support you without you having to justify yourself, explain or prove anything. In the event of acute danger or threats, call the police (110) or the fire brigade (112).

[draft 2024: This text will be continuously updated and revised].

In 2024, ‘Starke Stücke’ had an awareness-team (Vertrauensteam, Vertrauen = trust) for the first time. In 2025, we will continue the work with sensory and content-related information about the plays and will provide further information on accessibility and barriers.
Thank you: The work of the awareness team will be made possible by funding from the Office for Multicultural Affairs (AmkA) of the City of Frankfurt am Main and carried out in cooperation with the AmkA's stadtRAUM Frankfurt The ‘Starke Stücke’ trust concept emerged from workshops with Michelle Bray and was inspired by the concept of the Munich Climate Camp: https://klimacamp-muenchen.org/awareness-konzept/